Failed FTP upload: 521 PROT P required
Intentando conectarme a un servidor FTP seguro mediante el comando curl recibí el siguiente mensaje de error: “PROT P required”.
Aquí podemos ver los logs del intento de conexión:
< 220 Welcome to XXXXX. > USER usuario < 331 Password required for usuario > PASS YYYYY < 230 Logged on > PBSZ 0 < 200 PBSZ=0 > PWD < 257 "/" is current directory. * Entry path is '/' > CWD IN < 250 CWD successful. "/IN" is current directory. > EPSV * Connect data stream passively < 229 Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||2191|) * Trying YYY.XXX.ZZZ.YYY... connected * Connecting to YYY.XXX.ZZZ.YYY (YYY.XXX.ZZZ.YYY) port 2191 > TYPE I < 200 Type set to I > STOR fichero_prueba.txt < 521 PROT P required * Failed FTP upload: 521 * Remembering we are in dir "IN/" * Uploaded unaligned file size (0 out of 33 bytes) % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0* Connection #0 to host left intact curl: (25) Failed FTP upload: 521 |
Para solucionarlo hay que indicarle al comando curl que envie el comando PROT P. Esto se indica pasándole al comando curl el parámetro Q como se puede ver a continuación:
curl -vk -T fichero_prueba.txt -u cust-usuario:password ftpS:// --ftp-pasv -Q "prot p" |